For more than 21 years, Wayne Blue, a former truck driver who has been gravely injured in a traffic accident, shared his existence with two chimpanzees (Tuffy and Tiffany) who were living in his compound. The very day he was filmed for this project, Mr. Blue had decided to send the apes he took care of to a Florida sanctuary called Save the Chimps. Tiffany passed away a few months after her arrival to the sanctuary, where Tuffy is still living.

The recording of Wayne Blue’s testimony took place in 2018 in Cuba, MO. Cathy Caruth and Laurent Dubreuil conducted the interview. Dubreuil directed and edited the movie.


DISCLAIMER. The views expressed by the interviewees are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Ape Testimony Project and of the individuals or organizations associated with this initiative.

A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPTION of the testimony will be added at a later date.

PRODUCTION NOTES will be added at a later date.

EXPLANATORY NOTES will be added at a later date.