Sally Coxe is the founder and president of the Bonobo Conservation Initiative, the leading NGO invested in the protection of Pan paniscus in the “wild.” For several decades now, she has organized grassroots efforts to save the habitat as well as the conditions of existence for bonobos in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The recording of Sally Coxe’s testimony took place in 2018 in Ithaca, NY. Cathy Caruth and Laurent Dubreuil conducted the interviews. Dubreuil directed and edited the movie.


DISCLAIMER. The views expressed by the interviewees are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Ape Testimony Project and of the individuals or organizations associated with this initiative.

PRODUCTION NOTES will be added at a later date.

EXPLANATORY NOTES will be added at a later date.

A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPTION of the testimony will be added at a later date.