Dr. Laurent Dubreuil’s initial training was in most areas of the humanities, with an emphasis on philosophy and literary studies. A part of his research began to come closer to cognitive science in 2010. That same year, he stayed for a week at Sue Savage-Rumbaugh’s lab in Des Moines, IA, where he also met with Liz Rubert-Pugh and the members of the bonobo family, Kanzi, Panbanisha, Nyota, and Teco especially. Dubreuil later visited the lab in several other occasions. He is the author of twelve books, including The Intellective Space: Thinking Beyond Cognition and (with Savage-Rumbaugh) Dialogues on the Human Ape (both with the U of Minnesota P). Dubreuil is the co-director of the Ape Testimony Project at Cornell University.

Laurent Dubreuil’s testimony took place in Ithaca, NY in 2018. Cathy Caruth both shot and conducted the interview. At this point, the recordings have not been edited.

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