Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh (born in 1946) is a world famous psychologist and primatologist. Over more than four decades, she worked with great apes (especially bonobos and chimpanzees) and human language, first at the University of Oklahoma, then at the Yerkes Center, Georgia State University and finally the Great Ape Trust/IPLS located in Des Moines, IA. Among the great apes Sue raised is Kanzi whose linguistic competences made history. Dr. Savage-Rumbaugh authored or co-authored hundreds of research articles as well as several books, from Ape Language (Columbia UP: 1986) to Dialogues on the Human Ape (U of Minnesota P: 2019; co-authored with Laurent Dubreuil). She is the recipient of two honorary degrees and has been featured among the Time 100 in 2011. She currently serves as President of Bonobo Hope, an initiative she founded. Since 2013, Savage-Rumbaugh has been excluded from the lab once created for her work and she has been prevented from interacting with the members of the bonobo colony.

Sue Savage-Rumbaugh’s testimony is in seven  parts. Recordings were acquired in 2018 in Branson, MO and Ithaca, NY, and in 2020 via Zoom. Cathy Caruth and Laurent Dubreuil conducted the interviews. Dubreuil directed and edited the movies.

DISCLAIMER. The views expressed by the interviewees are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Ape Testimony Project and of the individuals or organizations associated with this initiative.

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