Give On-Farm Research a Try!

“On-farm research is an excellent approach to gaining confidence in current management practices or to help identify the need for a change. On-farm research can help improve production efficiency, farm profitability, and environmental stewardship. To be efficient and successful, on-farm trials should be focused, address meaningful questions developed with input from the producers, generate meaningful data, and ideally consist of large scale plots to be harvested using farm machinery“ (Cornell Agronomy Fact Sheet Series, #68, “On Farm Research”).

One farm here in Rensselaer County has recently set up a trial to find out which variety of corn will perform best on their land. This is a process that requires some forethought, networking, and observation skills, but will be very helpful in your future decision making! You can gain a better understanding of you land and the species, variety, or production practice that will be the most beneficial.

Check out the video of a local farmer that has been successful with on-farm research. Also, click here for a fact sheet detailing the best protocol and some important tips to keep in mind when completing a trial on your farm. Feel free to contact Ashley at for more information.


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