June – A month of growth, abundance, and vibrant life on our farms!


Crop Spotlight: Strawberries


June marks the peak of strawberry season in New York State. With fields bursting with juicy red berries, now is the time to indulge in this sweet treat. This succulent, heart-shaped berry is not only a favorite among gardeners and food enthusiasts but also a symbol of the season’s bounty.   Whether you’re harvesting for market or enjoying them fresh from the vine, remember to pick strawberries in the morning when they’re cool, and handle them gently to prevent bruising. Check local farms for pick-your-own opportunities and celebrate the season of strawberries with your community.

Enjoy the strawberry season!

Weather Outlook: Preparing for the summer heat

               As temperatures rise, it’s crucial to prepare for the summer heat.
  • Keep your crops hydrated by ensuring proper irrigation systems are in place.
  • Consider implementing shade structures for sensitive plants and providing ample water sources for livestock.
  • Stay informed about heatwaves and be ready to take action to protect your farm and animals.
  • Summer is an excellent time to clean and inspect farm equipment. Ensure that each piece of machinery is ready for harvest time. Assess whether any equipment requires repair, replacement, or upgrades.
  • Review signs and dangers of heat illness and protect yourself from the sun.
Remember, staying informed and proactive during the summer months is essential for a successful farming season! 🌞🌱🚜

        NY Food for NY Families: Socially Disadvantaged Producer Database

Dutchess Outreach is creating this database in conjunction with NYS Ag & Markets’ “New York Food for New York Families” grant program. The NYFNYF grant’s primary purpose is to allocate money to emergency food access organizations so that they may purchase food from traditionally socially disadvantaged farmers and producers (This includes but is not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQIA, women, immigrant, and disabled farmers) in New York state in order to distribute it at no cost to people experiencing food insecurity. This statewide database will help to facilitate deeper connections between food access organizations and local farms by supporting these farms financially through increased market opportunities and providing more local food for people in need.
To be a part of this database, please fill out this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdop5OgBt0vAtkYBjwEQ4gnhENkvebb_yMkEl8RLeef3bQJ6Q/viewform
If you have any questions, contact andie@dutchessoutreach.org.

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