Photo Credit: sciencesque via Compfight
One of the most common questions I receive is “how do I get rid of this weed?!” It is something that plagues even the most diligent farmers, but did you ever stop to think that maybe we can use these weeds to our advantage? Surprisingly, it turns out that many weeds actually have great value as feed. For example, lambs quarters can have up to 25% protein and leafy spurge 26%! Although you may still rather have grasses and forbes, some of these weeds can be managed and utilized as animal feed. It may take a little practice to get your animals to eat these different feeds and always be sure you are not encouraging them to eat anything that could be poisonous, but see if your livestock will broaden their grazing horizons. Click on the link to view some of these weeds, their nutritive values at different stages and you may just see these “weeds” in a whole new light!
CLICK HERE for “Nutritional Value and Toxins in Various Noxious Weeds.”