May 2015: Congratulations to our prize-winning ECE M.Eng students!

Congrats to Yuan Yao, who took out the overall first place across all ECE M.Eng posters, and the winner of the Electronic Devices & Materials category!  Her project is a collaboration with Prof. Amit Lal’s SONICMEMS group.  Yuan’s poster was entitled Ultrasonic Beamforming and Steering for Acoustic Radiation Force Optical Coherence Elastography

Congrats to Xihao Zhang and Han Tang (the “GPU Team”) and Xiaochan Zong who presented the winning posters under the Signals and Communications category!!  The GPU team’s poster was entitled GPU-based Real-Time Processing for Optical Coherence Tomography, and Xiaochan presented a poster entitled Multi-scale Optical Coherence Tomography: Comparing Computational and Hardware Methods of Reducing Numerical Aperture.

More information (including the winners of other categories and pictures of the poster session) can be found under the Recent News section of the ECE webpage.


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