May 7, 2020
What if you changed bank accounts and some old vendors have the old bank code. Can we leave it or do we need to change it to the current bank code?
We suggest that you first identify or tag the old vendors that you will inactivate. That way, you do not have to worry about updating data of old vendors. No need to update the data of the old vendors because all the inactive vendors will fall off during the conversion. This will give us time to concentrate in updating the information of active vendors only. Remember that we will only move two years’ worth of history for AP.
What will this report be called so we can run it? Also, if we have a vendor such as an employee, can the record just contain their name or do all fields have to be filled?
This is the vendor record file from Accounts Payable that we will download in Excel format for you. Work with your SBN Finance Lead to schedule a date on when you intend to start working on the cleanup so Donna James or Roxanne Churchill can forward your association’s vendor record file.
It would be best practice to have all the information available. However, there may be a few exceptions where we do not have the website or telephone number of a vendor. This is fine. But, note that there are 3 fields/columns that should not be blank:
- Column R – BANKID
- Column U – GLACCNT
- Column V – TERMSCODE
If you do decide to enter the website and email information, please be mindful that you put these in the proper format.
Can we keep vendors who haven’t had activity in the past two years, but whom we know we will have future activity with?
If they are cyclical, you may treat these vendors as active.
With the default GL, what would you use for store charge cards that are used by multiple grants? Like Wegmans’s for example.
You may use what is most often used. We will be able to utilize distribution sets and importing transactions. We are doing this as it is a required field in the system.
What column date (again) are we going to use to identify the 2 yr old inactive?
Refer to Column W – DATELASTAC.
If new vendors are added after export, do they need to be added to the exported spreadsheet also?
No, but make sure that you are adding the new ones following the new rules.
If you change your County Project per FY will Acumatica automatically change the vendor data? Ex Wegmans & SNAP.
If you change the vendor data, you would have to change it into the default in Acumatica.
Should the telephone number be 10 digits w/or without dashes?
You can enter the numbers without the dashes. Acumatica will format the dashes in.
Are we changing the spreadsheet and also in the vendor account or just the spreadsheet?
No need to change in the Vendor Account in ACCPAC, you may just change the spreadsheet, and we will import the spreadsheet into ACCPAC.
Did you say that the PowerPoint will be sent out or has already been sent out?
Yes, we will send out all the presentation materials as well as the video recordings of the training.
Will cleaning these up cause prior year beginning balances to change?
No effect on GL or the prior year balances because it is just a matter of applying a credit against debit.
To remain “Postal Compliant” for use of bulk mailing or electronic postage (see USPS Publication 28), the addresses should be in all UPPER case to facilitate optical scanner readers. Can you please bring this up to the powers that be and ask them to confirm that we should change the addresses to Title case? Could jeopardize mailing permits, but I think they’ve become a bit more lack with the requirement.
We will bring this up to see if there is any difference with what is being required in Acumatica.
How will the auto GL Account apply to the AMOS bill?
We suggest that you put an expense account that you frequently use. We do anticipate being able to import a batch that can override the default account. More to come on this.
Will this recording be posted for us to look back at?
Yes – this is being recorded.
Will there be Recurring Entries?
What is the Excel report to run that you will use? It looks very helpful to use in advance of the process.
It is an Excel report of the vendor record file downloaded from ACCPAC. However, the raw data contains a lot of information that is not relevant to the exercise we are going for. We advise that you contact your SBN Finance Lead to coordinate with either Donna James, Betsy Klug or Roxanne Churchill so they can generate the spreadsheet with streamlined information that you can work on.
Did you change the format of the import? It shows info in a more useful format for preliminary work.
No changes in the format. Very important to note that when you perform the cleanup, do not change the placement of the headers in the columns and do not change the header title. Make sure that the header in the top row or Row 1 is exactly the same as when you received it. This is to allow us to import back the clean vendor information back to ACCPAC.
Do we just sent the file back to our lead when we’re done?
You may send the clean file to your SBN Finance Lead or to Donna, Betsy or Roxanne. However, if you forward directly to DBR, be sure to copy your SBN Finance Lead so they are aware of your submission.
If I remember correctly, Rox was explaining that she established a Misc G/L default account number. Can she explain that again?
As there has to be a default GL account, Ulster created and used a Miscellaneous Expense Account that is very distinct and specific so that it was easy to trace back, and figure out that it was posted to a wrong account.
Does anybody write a check for a Miscellaneous Vendor? – I use MISC payments for 1 time payments – for 4H award checks for the kids…. So do all checks first have to have a vendor on file?
If an association does this, we may have to set up a Miscellaneous Vendor with a different Remit To Addresses that can be processed in a spreadsheet for importation to Acumatica. This arrangement is still in a testing stage.
What is the perspective of audit on this?
At this point, we are still assessing the compliance and audit risk, and will come up with the mitigating control to prevent and detect errors.
There is always the possibility of phantom vendors or phantom checks with Miscellaneous Vendors.
We agree! Suggestions on the control is most welcome.
As we assess this risk, we would like to remind everyone, on a side note, that if you have any old uncleared checks, let’s take this time to check your bank reconciliation. If there are uncleared checks, either rewrite the checks or send them to the State. For more information, you may refer to FORM Code 811.2 Unclaimed Funds. Please resolve any outstanding items so we can move to Acumatica with a clean and balanced accounts.
Can we also clear A/R 0 balances the same way?
Yes, it will be the same procedure. Watch out for the Cleanup Training for Accounts Receivables this month.
When is the deadline for the Accounts Payable Vendor clean up?
June 15, 2020.