Still playing a little bit of catch up; Sukkah City took place about a week ago and was heralded as one of the largest entered design competitions in New York – we have top men working on verifying that little factoid. The top Sukkahs and award ceremony was conveniently held at Union Square – making it hard for AAP students to avoid Bloomberg’s preening closing speech.
This potential eye injury lawsuit, won the peoples choice award. Personally I think it looks like a Heatherwick Studio’s prototype for the Seed Pavilion (seriously look it up): but without the attention to craft. The design could have benefited from a little more experimentation in construction process, but the people like what they like. The competition was not for a lack of good design though – take for example, this song of glass and wood:
I cant verify its aptness as a Sukkah but it is hard to deny its striking audacity. Incredibly well executed – I watched them load the glass sheets with the log the night before. This one had my vote.
The rest were a mix of political messages, material experiments and conceptual artefacts translated to varying degrees of success.