Undergrad Students

Staying Informed: Seminars, Workshops, and List-serves

Read through our Events and Seminars page to find information on seminars, workshops, journal clubs, and list-serves that might interest you.

Courses of Interest

Cornell offers many excellent courses in comparative and population genomics and related disciplines. These courses are offered through a variety of different departments, but a summary of relevant courses, last updated 11/18/2019, is available here as a PDF file. Additional information can be found on the online Courses of Study catalogue. Click here to learn more about Personal Genomics courses being taught by 3CPG members.

NHGRI/NIH: Careers in Genomics

The National Human Genome Institute has an excellent website discussing careers in genomics. The site includes videos, career profiles, and links to additional web resources. View it here.

Undergraduate Resources:

The Office of Undergraduate Biology 

Undergraduate Research in Biology 

Cornell University Undergraduate Research Board (CURB)

Undergraduate Employment Listings