The Annual Review Meeting with the other Foldable & Adaptable Integrated Circuits MURI team has been held during September 21st-22nd, 2016 at Cornell University.
Kick-Off Meeting
The Kick-Off Meeting with the other Foldable & Adaptable Integrated Circuits MURI team will take place on September 11th, 2015 at MIT!
Melina’s paper is published in Nature
Melina Blees’s paper “Graphene kirigami” got accepted to Nature and is getting a lot of coverage.
Kibum and Saien’s paper is published in Nature
Dr. Kibum Kang and Saien Xie’s paper “High-mobility three-atom-thick semiconducting films with wafer-scale homogeneity” got accepted to Nature this week.
MURI Proposal Funded
Our MURI team, made up of researchers from Cornell, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins, has been funded for AFOSR MURI TOPIC #11—MEMBRANE-BASED ELECTRONICS: FOLDABLE & ADAPTABLE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS.