Who is using NEWA?

The NEWA online survey closed January 31. So what did we learn? I’m taking a closer look at all 397 responses over the next few weeks to better understand user needs and preferences for the NEWA website. Here is a first-look at survey results.


We asked for feedback about website functionality, features and impact to evaluate and improve the usability and functionality for growers, NEWA’s the primary users. Sixty-seven% of all respondents self-identified in this category.

Farm size

Eighty percent of grower participants reported average farm area of less than 100 acres. Seventeen percent of growers indicated a farm size of great than 100 acres.


Fruit was the most commonly reported commodity among growers, followed by vegetables. A majority of growers focus on single commodity production (55%) but a strong minority (45% have diversified operations, working in two or more commodity categories.

What does this mean for NEWA?

NEWA needs to provide flexibility in the way tools are accessed by growers at newa.cornell.edu. Smaller diversified operations need easy access to fruit and vegetable tools at the same time with minimal time investment. Both small and large single commodity operations need targeted access to specific tools without having to sort through other unrelated models or resources.