February 2014 industry presentations by Sacks group – Ohio, Missouri, New York

Its February, which means its industry workshop season

– Lindsay Springer presented at the Midwest Grape & Wine Conference in St Louis, MO on Tannin Measurement and Extraction. http://www.midwestgrape.com/

– Gavin Sacks presented at the Ohio Wine & Grape Conference in Dublin, OH on i) Sulfur Residues and ii) SO2 Measurements (http://southcenters.osu.edu/about-us/events/horticulture/2014-ohio-wine-and-grape-conference)

– And then there will be three Sacks lab presentations at the B.E.V- NY conference this Friday by Pat Howe (SO2 measurement), Gavin Sacks (Oak Flavor Chemistry) and Lindsay Springer (Tannin Extraction). http://app.certain.com/profile/web/index.cfm?PKwebID=0x565194df34&varPage=home