Tropical Biology and Conservation Symposium, Call for Abstracts

The first annual Tropical Biology & Conservation Lightning Symposium, hosted by the TBC Graduate Student Association, will take place on Saturday, October 21st at 10 AM. This symposium will provide the first campus-wide opportunity to engage with and learn from a large, interdisciplinary group conducting research and projects in the tropics.

TBC-GSA is calling for abstract submissions of original research, new ideas, and project experiences that fall under the major theme of tropical and conservation sciences. All talks will be 5 minutes long and presented in lightning rounds.  Lightning talks are short-form talks, which are unlike traditional conference presentations, panels, or lectures. Each speaker gets five minutes and must use a limited number of PowerPoint slides. The main goal is to spark new conversations and collaborations across disciplines with fast-paced presentations. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the work of a large number of colleagues across campus with similar interests in a relatively short period of time.

TBC is seeking talks from graduate student, postdocs, professors, project staff, and advanced undergraduates.

To participate, please submit a brief abstract (title and 50-word description) to by Saturday, October 7th. Also please identify the thematic area that most closely represents your presentation from the following list:

Thematic areas:
Tropical Biology & Ecology
Conservation Sciences
One Health
Sustainability & Biodiversity
Indigenous Studies

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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