What we have to go through for a better life.

The movie Bread and Roses is a very interesting movie that recreates the reality of immigrants. Although the entire movie presents important information, I was mostly stroke by the beginning of the movie. Immigrants are working hard to support their family and also to allow their relatives to leave their countries. They deal with traders for the transport. They fight to come to a country with the dream of a better life in a country I am sure they know a lot about. At least me I did not.

Given they come as illegal, they cannot have proper work. Instead, they work for someone who has control over them because of their status. In the movie, there was a women who cries saying that she needs the job after she was fired for a stupid reason. She cries because she has a family that depends on her. Others need those jobs in order to finance their education for a real future. Indeed the difficult transportation and the crappy jobs are just few in the list of all the obstacles that immigrants have to go through. They also have to grow to the expensive education system, if allowed, without any financial support. All these because of a better life for them and their progeny. Sincerely, I GIVE MY RESPECT to all immigrants or family of immigrants!

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