Coastal Connecticut Cornell Club: Cornell Through the Ages

Club members sitting at a table

On Sunday April 23rd, more than 40 newly accepted students, alumni, and family members experienced life at Cornell Through the Ages from the perspectives of different alumni over time.

Hosted jointly by the Coastal Connecticut Cornell Club (CCCC), the Cornell Club of Rhode Island, and Cornell Alumni Affairs, the program was facilitated by Shana Mueller ’95 and featured three alumni panelists: Big Red Centenarian Sam Bender DVM ’41, Bob Linden ’71, MD ’75, and Bethany Douglas ’15.  Sam recounted life on the Hill in the 1930s post-depression era, Bob described the tumultuous 1960s, and Bethany described the current campus culture.

The event was kicked off by Caroline Wetzel ’99, President of CCCC. Caroline explained that Bob got to know Sam Bender after both Bob and Sam had signed up for the Cornell – Brown football game and lunch alumni event organized by CCCC.  Bob was so moved by Sam’s vivid memories and humor that Bob was eager to organize a forum for Sam and other passionate alumni to share their experiences.

Through a combination of answers to prepared questions, responses to queries from the audience, and spontaneous reflection, Sam, Bob, and Bethany explained why they chose Cornell, what experiences were most memorable, and what they thought differentiated Cornell from other education institutions.

Highlights of the program included:

• Sam describing how he obtained a real “sheepskin” (i.e. degree) and marriage certificate in the same month
• Bob sharing Pulitzer Prize-winning images of the Willard Straight Hall takeover and recounting his fellow crew members’ experiences
• Bethany describing all of the social networks on campus—and discovering in conversation with alumni in the audience that “FaceTime in front of Willard Straight Hall” means something different today with social media than it did 50 years ago.

Following the event, all enjoyed light refreshments and further conversations about life at Cornell. Indeed, the Big Red spirit was alive and buzzing in New England!

by the Coastal Connecticut Cornell Club