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Engineering Library

New Math Display is…hanging from the ceiling?

In anticipation for Reunion 2013, the math library has a new exhibit for visitors, focused on mathematics and art.  We have pulled our math books on art, origami and needlework and they are on colorful display.

Perhaps what is the most eye-catching feature of our exhibit are the hyperbolic planes gracing the bookshelf, lounge chair and even the light fixtures!



   Daina Taimina, adjunct associate professor in Mathematics at Cornell and our recent Coffee Hour Book Talk speaker has kindly loaned us her one of a kind crocheted creations for the display.  She combines crocheting, needlework and mathematics to demonstrate the complexities of hyperbolic planes.  Her book is on display as well.


For a wonderful TedX talk given by Ms Taimina and crocheted hyperbolic planes, you can go here.


Stop by and see us soon!  The display will be up through reunion this weekend and early next week.

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