What is a Language Portfolio?

A Language Portfolio is a collection of material describing the proficiency in one (or more) foreign language(s). Since it is a collection of various material produced over a longer period of time (eventually also life time) the process and progress of the language acquisition becomes visible. In addition a Language Portfolio also includes learners’ reflections about their language learning, and their experiences with the foreign culture.

The material is usually divided in three categories:
1. Language Passport
2. Language Biography
3. Language Dossier

The Language Passport usually includes documentation of key credentials and experiences (e.g. certificates, test results, programs completed in not only one language but also other languages, etc.).

The Language Biography includes a history and reports of the learner’s language and intercultural experiences, her or his language learning goals, and self-assessment checklists.

The Language Dossier includes the material a learner produces in the target language (e.g. class assignments, project, etc.)

For more info: http://web.fu-berlin.de/elc/portfolio