RIMpro, A Useful Apple Scab Model for 2016

RIMpro contains a proprietary apple scab model that is useful for (i) identifying the start of the scab season, (ii)  quantifying risks associated with key infection periods between green tip and first cover, and (iii)  determining the end of the primary scab season. RIMpro will provide more accurate information on apple scab infection risk than the traditional pseudothecial squash mounts that have been used for many years to assess apple scab ascospore maturity in spring.  I’ve been working with RIMpro on a trial basis for the past two seasons, and I’m very impressed with the apple scab model. I suspect that over the next few years it will become as important for apple scab management as MaryBlyt has become from fire blight management.

More information about RIMpro is available in this PDF file.

posted 21 Jan 2016.


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