SheepFlock budget is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that considers the flock inventory; available pasture and hay resources; purchased feed; fences, buildings, equipment and other capital items; interest expense and opportunity costs; labor; and other cash and noncash expenses to determine profitability. Click and save to an appropriate folder or open the spreadsheet directly if Excel is installed on your system. The spreadsheet includes three macros.

Procedure for downloading and enabling macros:

  1. Download and save the file to your hard drive.
  2. Open the file.
  3. Tools->Macros->Security (change security from High to Medium).
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Open the file (enable macros when prompted).

Disclaimer: Sheep Flock Budget provides default values for all inputs, including an estimate of daily digestible dry matter required per ewe. In no case should these values necessarily be considered correct for a particular farm. In addition, although the calculations of Sheep Flock Budget have been checked carefully, there could be errors in the spreadsheet. Please report any errors to Mike Thonney.



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Cornell Small Ruminant Management List Server
Click here to join the Cornell University sheepgoatmanagement list server. The purpose of the list server is to ask about and exchange information about sheep and goat management.

Cornell Sheep Program Home

Frequently used

Solar grazing

From Cornell University

Dairy sheep

From other academic and Extension sources 

From industry


  • ASI Sheep Care Guide
  • Sheep & Goat Research Journal
  • Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep: Breeds, Care, Facilities (search for this on-line)
  • The Sheep Book (by Ron Parker) (search for this on-line)


Michael L. Thonney, Professor
Director, Cornell Sheep Program and Graduate Field of Animal Science
114 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

Dan L. Brown, Associate Professor
Nutritional Toxicologist
320 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

tatiana L. Stanton, Extension Associate
Goat Specialist
114 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801 

Niko Kochendoerfer, PhD Student and Graduate Assistant
110 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

Cornell Cooperative Extension Field Educators (posted on Mike Baker's Beef Cattle web site)

Interns, Students, and Volunteers

Major revision: October 2015
Please contact Niko Kochendoerfer at if you can't find something from the previous version.
Copyright © 2015 Michael L. Thonney

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