Senior Design Reports Due by May 14th- FAQ’s by Emily

If you are enrolled in a senior design whether independent research (MAE 4291), project team (MAE 4291), or a course (MAE 4xx1) this semester:

Many of you are will be or are currently working on your senior design reports and may have questions about the report and the submission process. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions I receive about senior design:

Q1: When is my senior design report due?

A: As a guideline, you’ve been given a due date of May 14th.   This allows time for your instructor to read and grade your report before the grading deadline. If you and your instructor have decided on an alternate due date, that’s fine. The report should be submitted to your instructor and they will keep it in their records. Please talk with your instructor and let me know if you have questions or concerns about report submission.

Q2: Are there any guidelines for report content?

A: Overall, your design project and report have to be focused on design. Your senior design instructor can answer specific questions about report content but as a loose guideline, you should be able to pull all of the answers for the 9 questions on the Content Summary Form    Senior Design Report Content Summary Form  directly from your report

Q3: Do I need to complete a content summary form?

A: YES. Every MechE student taking senior design, must submit a signed content summary form, whether taking senior design as a course, independent research, or with a project team.

Q4: When is the content summary form due?

A: The content summary form is required for your graduation and is due by May 22nd.

Q5: How long do my answers to the 9 questions have to be?

A: Your answers should be brief, 1 to 3 sentences, and should be pulled directly from the content of your report.

Q6: To whom do I submit the content summary form?

A: The content summary form must be signed by your instructor and submitted to me in 108 Upson, with your answers to the 9 questions Senior Design Report Content Summary (stapled). We will keep this form for our records. In some cases, the instructor prefers to collect these forms, sign them all at once and then bring them to my office. Please don’t assume that your instructor will bring your form to me if you haven’t already discussed and agreed upon this course of action with them.

Q7: If I worked on my report as part of a group, does each group member need to submit a signed content summary form?

A: Yes. We need to have a signed content summary form on file for each student.

Content summary forms are available in 108 Upson or can be printed from this message or the MechE website:

Please don’t hesitate to contact Emily ( or stop by if you have any other questions or concerns about senior design.


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