Energy Seminar Series Fall 2014


To:       Juniors, Seniors and MEng Students Interested in Energy Issues

From:   Professors Paulette Clancy, David Hammer and Andrew Hunter

Date:               August 25, 2014

Subject:    The Energy Engineering Seminar Series, Fall Semester, 2014

Fridays at 12:20 – 1:10 PM in 101 Phillips Hall

(ChemE 5870, ECE 5870 or MAE 5459)

Organizational Meeting and first seminar: Friday, August 29, 2014:

Energy Use and its Consequences, Past, Present and Future”

            Professor David Hammer, Professor of Electrical Engineering

           Are you interested in energy-related topics, such as when (if ever) we might run out of oil, whether fuel cells are nearing economic viability, how we might be producing electricity 50 years from now, and what some of the environmental consequences of energy use are, including the possibility of climate change? Then consider spending one lunch hour per week during Fall 2014 listening to talks on these and other energy-related subjects at the Energy Engineering Seminar Series. Students from any department in Engineering or the Physical Sciences should find these talks understandable.

Students wishing to attend most or all of the weekly Energy Seminars are encouraged to register for ChemE 5870, ECE 5870 or MAE 5459, 1 credit, S/U (or letter grade).  You will be asked to attend at least 9 (or 13) seminars and turn in 9 (or 13) 1-page summaries of the seminars to receive a grade of S (or A).  Further information about the summaries and on requirements for a specific grade are given on the course web site.

Seminar speakers will be Cornell faculty members from several departments as well as engineers and executives from industry and government. The time is Friday from 12:20 PM to 1:10 PM, and the room is 101 Phillips Hall.

The first meeting of the Energy Seminar, an organizational session with an introductory seminar, will be Friday August 29, 2014, 12:20-1:10 PM in 101 Phillips Hall. The seminar topic is, Energy Uses and Consequences, Past, Present and Future,” and the speaker will be Professor David Hammer of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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