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  Cornell University

MAE Publications and Papers

Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

New article: A Model for Verifiable Grounding and Execution of Complex Natural Language Instructions

Article:  Boteanu, A; Howard, T; Arkin, J; Kress-Gazit, H; “A Model for Verifiable Grounding and Execution of Complex Natural Language Instructions”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System (IROS 2016), 2649-2654

Abstract:  Current methods of grounding natural language instructions do not include reactive or temporal components, making these methods unsuitable for instructions describing tasks as sets of conditional instructions.

We introduce the Verifiable Distributed Correspondence Graph (V-DCG) model, which enables the validation of natural language instructions by using Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) specifications together with physical world groundings. We demonstrate the V-DCG model on a physical robot and provide examples of the output our system produces for natural language instructions.

Funding Acknowledgement:  NSF NRI [1427030]

Funding Text:  A.B and H. K.-G. were supported by NSF NRI award 1427030.

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