Virus diseases of cucurbits

Several viruses can infect cucurbit crops.  Cucumber mosaic virus is considered the most common.  It is likely the cause of the symptoms in the images on this page.  Leaves affected by virus display a range of unusual symptoms including mosaic patterns in different shades of green and finger-like distortion of leaf shape.  A vine of affected leaves may be surrounded by unaffected leaves.  Symptoms have been commonly seen on Long Island mostly towards the end of the growing season and principally on pumpkin.  When development is late, yield is not impacted.   Occasionally symptoms develop on fruit affecting quality.  There have been cases elsewhere in the Northeast of substantial reduction in fruit formation when plants were affected before fruit development.  Most viruses, including CMV, are transmitted by aphids.

See also:

Virus symptoms on pumpkin leaf Virus symptoms on pumpkin leaf Virus symptoms on pumpkin leaves Virus symptoms on pumpkin leaves and immature fruit Virus symptoms on pumpkin fruit Virus symptoms on pumpkin fruit

cucurbit virus

cucurbit virus

cucurbit virus

cucurbit virus

cucurbit virus

cucurbit virus