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An introduction to dark web – on the “sides of bow-tie”


Deep web and dark web are different. Deep web refers to anything you can’t access in a search engine, either because it’s protected behind a password or because it’s buried deep within a regular website. The dark web is a subsection of the deep web that you can only access with a special browser like Tor to mask your IP address. Dark web isn’t just for buying drugs and hiring assasins. It is a massive network of websites and communities that exists outside of mainstream internet culture, and there’s plenty to do on the dark web without breaking any laws. Examples include: online book clubs where people share common interests on reading, Blogs about Stories where people share real and fictional stories about spanking, Strategic Intelligence Network where information is provided for how to deal with any sort of crisis on earth, from natural disasters to riots or all out war. Further, it does not surprise to know that people can use secure email provider, build social networks, and even play the chess game. Thus, going on dark web really offers you some darker side of the internet, but it does not necessarily risk you any jail time. Dark web is a lot like the regular internet – just with a higher ratio of anarchists.

Reading about the dark web offers me insight into the structure of the web. The present-day structure of the web can be model by the shape “bow-tie”, which consists of a giant SSC (strongly connected graph” in the middle, and some websites less connected on the sides. The dark web is exactly these kinds of websites that are on the sides. Search engine (Google, for example) use web crawlers that follow hyperlinks in websites referring to one another (hubs and authorities). This technique is ideal for discovering on the surface web but is often ineffective at finding deep web content. Accessed only with special softwares like Tor, the websites on the dark web can dodge the search engine, happily exclude themselves from the SCC, and offer web users a new perspective, far from the sunshine shone from the search engine.


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