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Happiness Comes in Clusters

In the following article, the Rubin recommends readers several different tips and methods on how to lead a fulfilling and happy life. The first and foremost principle introduced in the article is that of triadic closure. She further confirms the research that a large proponent of happiness lies in forming strong relationships with several different people. She suggests that inter-connection is most easily achieved through the principle of triadic closure, where two friends who have a friend in common befriend each other. In other words, the higher the clustering coefficient (the more interconnected your friends are), the happier you will be.

Furthermore, she also goes over the mere exposure effect, which essentially means that the more you see someone, the more intelligent/attractive, etc. you will seem to that person. The peculiarity of the mere exposure effect is that it does not rely on strong ties. Constant exposure between two people does not necessarily require that they form a friendship or strong relationship between each other (although it does facilitate an environment for a strong tie to occur).

In my personal experience I have always used triadic closure to my advantage unknowingly. After several get-togethers with several friends from different friend groups, it is very clear that almost all of my friends know each other. Interestingly, I feel that being the facilitator of adjoining two different friend groups puts you in a certain position of power. When I would adjoin to different groups I would naturally be the person looked to the most since people generally seek familiarity first. All in all, I would definitely recommend heeding the advice in the article below and giving it a read.


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