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How Facebook shapes the 2016 election

Social Media has been significant platform on the flow of information. In particular, Facebook is major platform that allow president candidates to attract more voters to support them.   A article shows that the Facebook can have an impact that how propaganda/ information can be spreaded and possibility change the inclination of your voting another candidate based […]

It Takes Two to Tango?

In her TEDx Talk, Chen Lizra talks about the power of seduction in everyday life. To illustrate her point she uses a traditional Cuban dance, the Tango. Tango is more than just a dance. It is a show of power. It is an aggressive parade of dominance, submission, passion, and sexuality. Men and women take turns […]

Cascading Fish

Since moving to Ithaca, I’ve often been captivated by the movement of birds flying in the sky, in triangular formation, cutting through the air, determinedly aimed at an invisible enemy. They’re always beautifully synchronized in their movements and follow the leader’s every move. Scientists in Sydney were interested in this as well and tried to […]

Millennials and Social Media

This article looks at the way millennials’ social media habits are changing, and will continue to change in the upcoming year. These predictions are especially important because of the tremendous buying power of millennials and the amount of their activity that takes place online. Each of the habits examined in this article relates back to […]

Game Theory and Climate Change

Game theory is a highly appropriate lens through which one can analyze the issue of climate change. The planet is a common resource which no single individual owns and that everybody has access to. In the ideal case, everyone would take the appropriate measures (in other words, take on the corresponding costs) to manage one’s […]

Game Theory and Facebook’s Fake News Issue

The article linked below uses game theory to address the recent issues with Facebook’s fake news that have come to light.  Jeff Ely, Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison are professors within the Economics department at Northwestern University who have chosen to analyze the Facebook fake news phenomenon through the lens of game theory. “Fake […]

Are We Prepared for the Next Epidemic?

Considering the rapid spread of the Zika virus, and the rise of mosquitos due to higher temperatures, there should be alarm bells ringing for fear of the next epidemic. The article below warns us of cases like Zika, which is not only spread by mosquitos but also through sexual transmission. The branching process (as we discussed in class) of how […]

The Tragedy of the Internet of Things

IoT is the concept of having everyday objects be connected in an online network. It has been conceptualized and realized in areas such as smart cities, to manage things like transportation system and water supply, or wearable technology, to store a person’s heart rate and sleep pattern. Iot would give us the ability to collected […]

How Trump Destroyed Pluralistic Ignorance to Win the Election

Related link: Donald Trump’s stunning electoral college victory presidency sent reverberations across the world. All the pollsters had projected a landslide Clinton victory, and with Trump’s bombastic and crude demeanor, he seemed to be the last person many would expect to ascend to the leader of the free world. How did Trump manage to […]

“Irrelevant” Alternatives and the Presidential Election

The system by which the United States selects its presidents does not possess the property of independence of irrelevant alternatives, for several reasons, even assuming single-peaked preferences. Consider one case, with 3 candidates– Left, Right, and Ultra-Left: 40% of Americans have the following single-peaked preference ordering: Left > Ultra-Left > Right; 45% of Americans: Right […]

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December 2016
