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Airforces Mission Awareness for Mission Assurance analyzes information networks

The United State’s Airforce is currently working on a consolidated program called Mission Awareness for Mission Assurance, which aims to monitor and analysis the information networks used by the military in order to identify potential security risks. This program intends to address the two concerns, risk of threats such as distributed denial of network service and the fact that the networks do not integrate the mission dependencies into their links. The first stage of this process is “Mapping the Mission to Information Flows”. The program intends to map the specific networks and information used by each mission. This involves constructing a model of the information flow to see how the information gets to the individuals using the information. This information will then be used to create a management system to make sure information gets to individuals who need it at the right time. The second phase involves analyzing information flow in order to determine potential weak links where information could be leaked.  the program is also “providing a network elements basis for resource allocation”, allowing it to provide additional mission assurance. This project will be worked on in various phases over the next three fiscal years.

This information relates to this class because it shows the importance of making sure there is a proper mapping of information. The information network for military information plays a balance of needing to be both secure, swift, and widespread enough that all individuals know what information is required to preform their job. By looking at the network, potential holes in the network can be discovered and information can be made to flow more efficiently and securely. Communication and information are crucial elements in making the correct decisions in situations, requiring up to date information and preventing information from falling into enemy hands. It is also important to make sure that the different resources are allocated to the missions to ensure the highest likelihood of success.


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September 2014
