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Jane Austen, a Game Theorist

Strategic thinking has be prevalent throughout the history for a long time in military and political affairs. The idea of game theory has been introduced and clarified in the 1944-53 through von Neumann, Morgenstern, Nash and Shapley. However, according to UCLA professor, Michael Chwe, Jane Austen, a renown English female author of 1800s used game […]

Busting the Silk Road with Graph Theory

Since the advent of the Internet, everything has become more and more convenient. If you want to know if that trendy cafe is truly worth the hype, pages of customer reviews could be retrieved with a quick Google search. Hungry, but not in the mood to cook? Freshly prepared food, ranging from pizza to sushi, […]

Hawks and Doves Start Tweeting

Have you ever wanted to test another person’s limits for monetary gain? You’re not alone! A new twitter game invites participants to do just this. Cory Doctorow documents Jeremy Bornstein’s new twitter party game. In it a circle of players forms, and each player passes their phone to their right, with their twitter account open. […]

Prisoner’s Dilemma on Actual Prisoners: What Do They Pick?,0,4705696.story   Prisoner’s Dilemma is a “classic cooperation test” used widely by society in video games, Hollywood movies, economics, and game theory. Even though this theory was originally based on prisoners, it was never officially tested on them until recently. During the early portion of 2013, a group of economists pulled off this experiment […]

Applying Game Theory to Syria On August 21st chemical weapons were fired in Syria, (supposedly by the Syrian government) killing about 1,400 civilians.  This led to President Obama calling for missile strikes, although many people questioned why the United States would intervene now, when the deaths of 100,000 Syrian civilians by conventional weapons had previously been ignored.  This source […]

Matching Medical Mayhem This article demonstrates an example of how perfect matching may cause in matching medical school graduates to have problems finding residency positions across the United States. Every year, medical schools have a match date to match their medical students to residency programs across the United States. Sam in this case, a medical school […]

Blogging Calendar

October 2013
