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NFL Referee Lockout- The Ultimatum Game

With the NFL season well under way, the NFL and its officials have yet been unable to work out a deal for a new contact to get the refs back on the field officiating games. As the NFL enters its third week of play, games continue to be officiated by replacement referees. This is a lose-lose situation for both the NFL and the NFL Referees Association (NFLRA).  Nearly everyone associated with the league has expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the officiating by the replacement referees. Coaches and players have been very unhappy with the job done by the replacement refs, arguing and challenging the judgment of the officials during games and in interviews. Announcers and fans have also cried out. As a fan myself, I have noticed a number of poor calls and have heard announcers disagree with the replacement referees on air numerous times. The NFL Referees Association is also a loser in this battle, as more than 120 officials are without jobs as the season continues.

As this is a bad situation for everyone, it seems that it is in the best interest of both sides to work out a deal and get the NFL referees back on the field, and it is hard to imagine what could be preventing such a deal from being made. However, the lockout is unfolding like an ultimatum game. The two sides in the negotiation are the NFL and the NFLRA, and the NFL has the money and the ability to offer a take it or leave it deal to the NFLRA. The situation differs slightly from the true ultimatum game because the NFLRA can make counter offers, but the result has been the same. The NFLRA has felt that the offers made by the NFL have been too low, so they have rejected them. Both sides would be better off if the NFLRA would accept a contract proposed by the NFL. The NFL would restore the integrity of the game and make its players, coaches, and fans happy, and the referees would no longer be jobless and would earn at least some salary, which would be better than none at all. However, the NFLRA is not willing to budge because the referees feel they deserve a better contract than what is being offered to them. They would rather have both sides get no payoff than accept a payoff that they do not believe is adequate.

As the two sides remain very far apart in their negotiations and with no additional talks scheduled, it is unclear as to if and when a deal with get worked out. But if one thing is for certain, everyone, the NFL and NFLRA included, is hoping that the two sides can come to terms and a deal can get done.

-Rob M


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