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30 day trial: Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)

Gale’s Nineteenth Century Collections Online is a rich digital collection of primary source material. Rare primary sources, curated by an international team of experts, provide access to important works sourced from leading libraries worldwide. Users will find millions of full-text, fully searchable pages.

The trial runs roughly March 18-April 18, 2014.

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This group of 12 primary source databases includes the following collections:

1:  British Politics and Society

2:  Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange

3:  British Theatre, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture

4:  CORVEY Collection of European Literature:  1790-1840

5:  Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925, PART I

6:  Photography— the World through the Lens

7:  Women: Transnational Networks

8:  Europe and Africa: Commerce, Christianity, Civilization, Conquest

9:  Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925, PART II

10:  Children’s Literature and Childhood

11:  Mapping the World

12:  Religion and the Periodical: Point of View and Perspective

Please send any comments to Virginia Cole, history librarian (vac11).


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