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Entomophaga / Lymantria Research


Hajek publications on Entomophaga maimaiga and/or Lymantria dispar (Gypsy moth) through 2018

Hajek, A.E., Steinkraus, D.C., Castrillo, L.A. 2018. Sleeping beauties: Horizontal transmission by entomophthoralean fungi via resting spores. Insects MDPI 9(3): 102 (23 pp.). DOI: 10.3390/insects9030102

Zúbrik, M., Pilarska, D., Kulfan, J., Barta, M., Hajek, A.E., Bittner, T.D., Zach, P., Takov, D., Kunca, A., Rell, S., Hirka, A., Csóka, G. 2018. Phytophagous larvae occurring in Central and Southeastern European oak forests as a potential host of Entomophaga maimaiga (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) – A field study. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 155: 52-54.

Zúbrik, M., Špilda, I., Pilarska, D., Hajek, A.E., Takov, D., Nikolov, C., Kunca, A., Pajtík, J., Lukášová, J. and Holuša, J. 2018. Distribution of the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) at the northern edge of its range in Europe. Ann. Appl. Biol. 173: 35-41. DOI: 10.1111/aab.12431

Bittner, T.D., Hajek, A.E., Liebhold, A.S., Thistle, H. 2017. Modification of a pollen trap design to capture airborne conidia of Entomophaga maimaiga and detection by quantitative PCR. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 83: 1-11.

Hodge, K., Hajek A.E. 2017. Entomophthoralean pathogen infecting a millipede. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 149: 135-140.

Gryganskyi, A., Mullens, B.A., Rehner, S., Vilgalys, R., Hajek, A.E. 2017. Hijacked: Co-option of host behavior by entomophthoralean fungi. PLOS Pathogens: Pearls 13(5): e1006274 (invited review).

Pilarska, D., Hajek, A.E., Keena, M., Linde, A., Kereselidze, M., Georgiev, G., Georgieva, M., Mirchev, P., Takov, D., Draganova, S. 2016. Susceptibility of larvae of nun moth, Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera), to the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu and Soper (Entomophthorales) under laboratory and field conditions. Acta Zool. Bulg. 68: 117-126.

Zúbrik, M., Hajek, A., Pilarska, D., Špilda, I., Georgiev, G., Hrašovec, G., Hirka, A., Goertz, D., Hoch, G., Barta, M., Saniga, M., Kunca, A., Nikolov, C., Vakula, J., Galko, J., Pilarski, P., Csóka, G. 2016. The potential for the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga to regulate gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera; Erebidae) in Europe. J. Appl. Entomol. 140: 565-579. doi: 10.1111/jen.12295

De Fine Licht, H., Hajek, A.E., Jensen, A.B., Eilenberg, J. 2016. Utilizing genomics to study entomopathogenicity in the fungal phylum Entomophthoromycota: A review of current genetic resources. Advances in Genetics 94: 41-65. [Invited review].

Castrillo, L.A., Hajek, A.E. 2015. Detection of presumptive mycoparasites associated with Entomophaga maimaiga resting spores in forest soils. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 124: 87-89.

Hajek, A.E., Tobin, P.C., Haynes, K.J. 2015. Replacement of a dominant viral pathogen by a fungal pathogen does not alter the synchronous collapse of a forest insect outbreak. Oecologia 177: 785-797.

Sarvary, M.A., Cooperband, M.F., Hajek, A.E. 2015. The importance of olfactory and

Csóka, G., Hirka, A., Szôcs, L., Hajek, A.E. 2014. A rovarpatogén Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, 1988 (Entomophtorales: Entomophtoraceae) gomba megjelenése magyarországi gyapjaslepke (Lymantria dispar) populációkban. [First occurrence of the entomopathogenic fungus, Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, 1988 (Entomophtorales: Entomophtoraceae) in Hungarian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) populations.]. Növény Védelem 50(6): 257-262.

Reilly, J.R., Hajek, A.E., Liebhold, A.M., Plymale, R.S. 2014. The impact of Entomophaga maimaiga on outbreak gypsy moth population: the role of weather. Environ. Entomol. 43: 632-641.

Fuester, R., Hajek, A.E., Schaefer, P., Elkinton, J.S. 2014. Biological control of Lymantria dispar. In (R.G. Van Driesche & R. Reardon, eds.) The Use of Classical Biological Control to Preserve Forests in North America. FHTET-2013-02. USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown, West Virginia. pp 49-82 [Invited review.] (actually published in 2014)

Hrašovec, B., Pernek, M., Lukić, I., Milotić, M., Diminić, D., Franjević, M., Hajek, A., Linde, A., Pilarska, D. 2013. First record of the pathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu, and Soper (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) within an outbreak populations of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) in Croatia. Periodicum Biologorum 115: 379–384. [published in 2014]

Hajek, A.E., Longcore, J.E., Simmons, D.R., Peters, K., Humber, R.A. 2013. Chytrid mycoparasitism of entomophthoralean azygospores. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 114: 333-336.

Liebhold, A.M., Plymale, R.C., Elkinton, J.S., Hajek, A.E. 2013. Emergent fungal entomopathogen does not alter density dependence in a viral competitor. Ecology 94: 1217-1222.

Siegert, N.W., McCullough, D.G., Wheeler, M.W., Hajek, A.E. 2012. Evaluation of potential versus realized primary infection of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) by Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). Environ. Entomol. 41: 1115-1124.

Hajek, A.E., Plymale, R.C., Reilly, J.R. 2012. Comparing two methods for quantifying soil-borne Entomophaga maimaiga resting spores. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 111: 193-195.

Tobin, P.C., Hajek, A.E. 2012. Release, establishment, and initial spread of the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga in island populations of Lymantria dispar. Biol. Control 63: 31-39.

Hajek, A.E., Papierok, B., Eilenberg, J. 2012. Methods for study of the Entomophthorales, pp. 285-316. In (L. Lacey, ed.) Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology, 2nd edition. Academic Press, Amsterdam. [Invited book chapter]

Kereselidze, M., Pilarska, D., Hajek, A., Jensen, A.B., Linde, A. 2011. First record of Entomophaga maimaiga (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) in Georgia. Biocontr. Sci. Technol. 21: 1375-1380.

Hajek, A.E., Tobin, P.C. 2011. Introduced pathogens follow the invasion front of a spreading alien host. J. Anim. Ecol. 80: 1217-1226.

Hajek, A.E., Plymale, R.C. 2010. Variability in azygospore production among Entomophaga maimaiga isolates. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 104: 157-159.

Siegert, N.W., D.G. McCullough, A.E. Hajek, J.A. Andresen. 2008 (actually published in fall 2009). Effect of microclimatic conditions on primary transmission of the gypsy moth fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in Michigan. Grt. Lks. Entomol. 41: 111-128.

Siegert, N.W., D.G. McCullough, R.C. Venette, A.E. Hajek, J.A. Andresen. 2009. Assessing the climatic potential for epizootics of the gypsy moth fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga in the North Central United States. Can. J. For. Res. 39: 1958-1970.

Hajek, A.E., P.C. Tobin. 2009. North American eradications of Asian and European gypsy moth, pp. 71-89. In: A.E. Hajek, T.R. Glare & M. O’Callaghan (eds.) Use of Microbes for Control and Eradication of Invasive Arthropods. Springer, Dordrecht, NL.

Solter, L.F., A.E. Hajek. 2009. Control of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, in North America since 1878, pp. 181-212. In: A.E. Hajek, T.R. Glare & M. O’Callaghan (eds.) Use of Microbes for Control and Eradication of Invasive Arthropods. Springer, Dordrecht, NL.

Hajek, A.E., A. Burke, C. Nielsen, J.J. Hannam, L.S. Bauer. 2008. Nondormancy of Entomophaga maimaiga azygospores: Effects of isolate and cold storage. Mycologia 100: 833-842.

Reilly, J.R., A.E. Hajek. 2008. Density-dependent resistance of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar to its nucleopolyhedrovirus, and the consequences for population dynamics. Oecologia 154: 691-701.

Castrillo, L.A., L. Thomsen, P. Juneja, A.E. Hajek. 2007. Detection and quantification of Entomophaga maimaiga resting spores in forest soil using real-time PCR. Mycol. Res. 111: 324-331.

Hajek, A.E., I. Delalibera Jr., and M.L. McManus. 2007. Introduction of exotic pathogens and documentation of their establishment and impact, pp. 299-325. In (L.A. Lacey & H.K. Kaya, Eds.) Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology, 2nd edn. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands [Invited review].

Hajek, A.E. 2007. Introduction of a fungus into North America for control of gypsy moth, pp. 53-62. In (C. Vincent, M. Goettel, G. Lazarovits, Eds.) Biological Control: A Global Perspective. CABI Internatl., UK [Invited review].

Nielsen, C., and A.E. Hajek. 2006. Diurnal pattern of death and sporulation of Entomophaga maimaiga-infected Lymantria dispar. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 118: 237-243.

Nielsen, C., M. Keena, A.E. Hajek. 2005. Virulence and fitness of the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga in its host Lymantria dispar, for pathogen and host strains originating from Asia, Europe and North America. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 89: 232-242.

Nielsen, C., M.G. Milgroom, A.E. Hajek. 2005. Genetic diversity in the gypsy moth fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga from founder populations in North America and source populations in Asia. Mycol. Res. 109: 941-950.

Hajek, A.E., J.S. Strazanac, M.M. Wheeler, L. Butler. 2005. Chapter 5: Entomophaga maimaiga studies, pp. 45-49. In (J.S. Strazanac & L. Butler, Eds.) Long-term evaluation of the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, gypsy moth nucleopolyhedrosis virus product Gypchek, and Entomophaga maimaiga on nontarget organisms in mixed broadleaf-pine forests in the central Appalacians. U.S.D.A., Forest Service, FHTET-2004-14. 81 pp.

Hajek, A.E., N.W. Siegert, M.M. Wheeler, and D.G. McCullough. 2004. Using bioassays to predict abundance of Entomophaga maimaiga resting spores in soil. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 86: 61-64.

Hajek, A.E., J.S. Strazanac, M.M Wheeler, F. Vermeylen, and L. Butler. 2004. Persistence of the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga and its impact on native Lymantriidae. Biol. Contr. 30: 466-471.

Hajek, A.E., A.B. Jensen, L. Thomsen, K.T. Hodge, and J. Eilenberg. 2003. Using PCR-RFLP to investigate relations among species in the entomopathogenic genera Eryniopsis and Entomophaga. Mycologia 95: 262-268.

Hajek, A.E., and C.C. Eastburn. 2003. Attachment and germination of Entomophaga maimaiga conidia on host and non-host larval cuticle. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 82: 12-22.

Hajek, A.E., M.J. Filotas, D.C. Ewing. 2002. Formation of appressoria by two species of lepidopteran-pathogenic Entomophthorales. Can. J. Bot. 80: 220-225.

Hajek, A.E., C.C. Eastburn, C.I. Davis, and F. Vermeylen. 2002. Deposition and germination of conidia of the entomopathogen Entomophaga maimaiga infecting gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 79: 37-43.

Lopez Lastra, C.C., D.M. Gibson, and A.E. Hajek. 2001. Survival and differential development of Entomophaga maimaiga and Entomophaga aulicae (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in Lymantria dispar hemolymph. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 78: 201-209.

Hajek, A.E., and C.C. Eastburn. 2001. Effect of host insects on activation of Entomophaga maimaiga resting spores. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 77: 290-291.

Lopez Lastra, C.C., A.E. Hajek, and R.A. Humber. 2001. Effects of two cryopreservation techniques on viability and pathogenicity of entomophthoralean fungi. Can. J. Bot. 79: 861-864.

Hajek, A.E., M.M. Wheeler, C.C. Eastburn, and L.S. Bauer. 2001. Storage of resting spores of the gypsy moth fungal pathogen, Entomophaga maimaiga. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 11: 637-647.

Hajek, A.E. 2001. Larval behavior in Lymantria dispar increases risk of fungal infection. Oecologia 126: 285-291.

Pell, J., Eilenberg, J., Hajek, A.E., Steinkraus, D.C. 2001. Biology, ecology and pest management potential of Entomophthorales. In: Butt, T.M., Jackson, C.W., Magan, N. (Eds.), Fungi as Biocontrol Agents: Progress, Problems and Potential. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 71-153. [Invited review.]

Pilarska, D., M. McManus, A.E. Hajek, F. Hérard, F.E. Vega, P. Pilarska, and G. Markova. 2000. Introduction of the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Hum., Shim. & Sop. (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) to a Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) population in Bulgaria. Anz. Schadlingsk. 73: 125-126.

Hajek, A.E., L. Butler, J.K. Liebherr, and M.M. Wheeler. 2000. Risk of infection by the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga among Lepidoptera on the forest floor. Environ. Entomol. 29: 645-650.

Hajek, A.E., M. Shimazu, and B. Knoblauch. 2000. Isolating a species of Entomophthorales using resting spore-bearing soil. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 75: 298-300.

Kogan, P.H., and A.E. Hajek. 2000. Formation of azygospores by the insect pathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga in cell culture. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 75: 193-201.

Hajek, A.E., C. Olsen, and J.S. Elkinton. 1999. Dynamics of airborne conidia of the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). Biol. Contr. 16: 111-117.

Hajek, A.E., and R.E. Webb. 1999. Inoculative augmentation of the fungal entomopathogen Entomophaga maimaiga as a homeowner tactic to control gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Biol. Contr. 14: 11-18.

Malakar, R., J.S. Elkinton, A.E. Hajek, and J.P. Burand. 1999. Within-host interactions of Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) nucleopolyhedrosis virus (LdNPV) and Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 73: 91-100.

Hajek, A.E. 1999. Pathology and epizootiology of the Lepidoptera-specific mycopathogen Entomophaga maimaiga. Microbiol. & Molecul. Biol. Rev. 63: 814-835 [Invited review.]

Bidochka, M.J., and A.E. Hajek. 1998. A non-permissive entomophthoralean fungal infection increases activation of insect prophenoloxidase. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 72: 231-238.

Hajek, A.E., L. Bauer, M.L. McManus, and M.M. Wheeler. 1998. Distribution of resting spores of the Lymantria dispar pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga in soil and on bark. BioControl 43: 189-200.

Hajek, A.E., K.M. Tatman, P.H. Wanner, and M.M. Wheeler. 1998. Location and persistence of cadavers of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, containing Entomophaga maimaiga azygospores. Mycologia 90: 754-760.

Dwyer, G., J.S. Elkinton, and A.E. Hajek. 1998. Spatial scale and the spread of a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth. Amer. Nat. 152: 485-494.

Hajek, A.E., J.S. Elkinton, and R.A. Humber. 1997. Entomopathogenic hyphomycetes associated with gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) larvae. Mycologia 89: 825-829.

Hajek, A.E., and R.A. Humber. 1997. Formation and germination of Entomophaga maimaiga azygospores. Can. J. Bot. 75: 1739-1747.

Hajek, A.E. 1997. Fungal and viral epizootics in gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) populations in central New York. Biol. Contr. 10: 58-68.

Hajek, A.E. 1997. Entomophaga maimaiga reproductive output is determined by spore type initiating an infection. Mycol. Res. 101: 971-974.

Bidochka, M.J., and A.E. Hajek. 1996. Protoplast plasma membrane glycoproteins in two species of entomophthoralean fungi. Mycol. Res. 100: 1094-1098.

Hajek, A.E., S.R.A. Walsh, J.C. Silver, and D.R. Strong. 1996. A disjunct Californian strain of Entomophaga aulicae infecting Orygia vetusta. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 68: 260-268. [First two authors jointly contributed to this manuscript].

Hajek, A.E., J.S. Elkinton, and J.J. Witcosky. 1996. Introduction and spread of the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga along the leading edge of gypsy moth spread. Environ. Entomol. 25: 1235-1247.

Butt, T.A., A.E. Hajek, and R.A. Humber. 1996. Gypsy moth immune defenses in response to hyphal bodies and natural protoplasts of entomophthoralean fungi. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 68: 278-285.

Hajek, A. E., Butler, L., Walsh, S. R. A., Silver, J. C., Hain, F. P., Hastings, F. L., ODell, T. M., and Smitley, D. R. 1996. Host range of the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in the field versus laboratory, Environ. Entomol. [Forum] 25: 709-721.

Hajek, A.E., and M. Shimazu. 1996. Types of spores produced by Entomophaga maimaiga infecting the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar. Can. J. Bot. 74: 708-715.

Smitley, D.R., L.S. Bauer, A.E. Hajek, F. J. Sapio, and R.A. Humber. 1995. Introduction and establishment of Entomophaga maimaiga, a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Michigan. Environ. Entomol. 24: 1685-1645.

Hajek, A.E., M. Shimazu, and R.A. Humber. 1995. Instability in pathogenicity of Entomophaga maimaiga after long-term cryopreservation. Mycologia 87: 483-489.

Hajek, A.E., J.A.A. Renwick, and D.W. Roberts. 1995. Effects of larval host plant on the gypsy moth fungal pathogen, Entomophaga maimaiga. Environ. Entomol. 24: 1307-1314.

Hajek, A.E., L. Butler, and M.M. Wheeler. 1995. Laboratory bioassays testing the host range of the gypsy moth fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga. Biol. Cont. 5: 530-544.

Hajek, A.E., R.A. Humber, and J.S. Elkinton. 1995. The mysterious origin of Entomophaga maimaiga in North America. Am. Entomol. 41: 31-42.

Hajek, A.E. and M.M. Wheeler. 1994. Application of techniques for quantification of soil-borne entomophthoralean resting spores. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 64: 71-73.

Butt, T.M., A.E. Hajek, and R.A. Humber. 1994. The effect of temperature on growth and survival of protoplasts of the gypsy moth pathogen, Entomophaga maimaiga. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 64: 74-75.

Hajek, A.E., P.E. Nelson, R.A. Humber, and J.L. Perry. 1993. Two Fusarium species pathogenic to gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Mycologia 85: 937-940.

Hajek, A.E., T.S. Larkin, R.I. Carruthers, and R.S. Soper. 1993. Modeling the dynamics of Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) epizootics in gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) populations. Environ. Entomol. 22: 1172-1187.

Hajek, A.E. and J.A.A. Renwick. 1993. Incorporation of Quercus rubra foliage into artificial diets alters development of a fungal pathogen of Lymantria dispar. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 68: 265-267.

Hajek, A.E. and D.W. Roberts. 1992. Field diagnosis of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) larval mortality caused by Entomophaga maimaiga and the gypsy moth nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Environ. Entomol. 21: 706-713.

Hajek, A.E., and R.S. Soper. 1992. Temporal dynamics of Entomophaga maimaiga after death of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) larval hosts. Environ. Entomol. 21: 129-135.

Elkinton, J.S., A.E. Hajek, G.H. Boettner, and E.E. Simons. 1991. Distribution and apparent spread of Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) populations in North America. Environ. Entomol. 20: 1601-1605.

Hajek, A.E., R.A. Humber, S.R.A. Walsh, and J.C. Silver. 1991. Sympatric occurrence of two Entomophaga aulicae (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) complex species attacking forest Lepidoptera. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 58: 373-380.

Hajek, A.E., and R.S. Soper. 1991. Within-tree location of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, larvae killed by Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 58: 468-469.

Hajek, A.E., and D.W. Roberts. 1991. Pathogen reservoirs as a biological control resource: Introduction of Entomophaga maimaiga to North American gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, populations. Biol. Contr. 1: 29-34.

Hajek, A.E., T.M. Butt, L.I. Strelow, and S.M. Gray. 1991. Detection of Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 58: 1-9.

Hajek, A.E., R.A. Humber, J.S. Elkinton, B. May, S.R.A. Walsh, and J.C. Silver. 1990. Allozyme and RFLP analyses confirm Entomophaga maimaiga responsible for 1989     epizootics in North American gypsy moth populations. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 87: 6979-6982.

Hajek, A.E., R.A. Humber, and M.H. Griggs. 1990. Decline in virulence of Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) with repeated in vitro subculture. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 56: 91-97.

Hajek, A.E., R.I. Carruthers, and R.S. Soper. 1990. Temperature and moisture relations of sporulation and germination by Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthoraceae), a fungal pathogen of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Environ. Entomol. 19: 85-90.

Hajek, A.E. 1989. Effects of transferring gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), larvae between artificial diet and Quercus rubra foliage. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 51: 141-148.

Hajek, A.E. 1989. Food consumption of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) larvae infected with Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). Environ. Entomol. 18: 723-727.

Li, Z., R.S. Soper, and A.E. Hajek. 1988. A method for detecting resting spores of Entomophthorales (Zygomycetes) in soil. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 52: 18-26.

Soper, R.S., M. Shimazu, R.A. Humber, M.E. Ramos, and A.E. Hajek. 1988. Isolation and characterization of Entomophaga maimaiga sp. nov., a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, from Japan. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 51: 229-241.