Northern Grapes Webinar
Grapevine trunk diseases: The fungi that cause them, how they develop and spread, and how they are managed.
December 11, 2018, 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (12:00 Noon Central Time)
Dr. Jose Urbez-Torres
Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Summerland Research and Development Center
British Columbia, Canada
Grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) are caused by a large number of different fungi and cause important economic losses to the grape and wine industry worldwide. They are currently considered one of the major threats to the industry’s future economic sustainability. Accordingly, research efforts have been primarily focused on better understanding GTD to find best control strategies. This presentation will give and overview on the research conducted on GTD during the past decade and will highlight the importance of understanding their etiology (causal organisms) and epidemiology (spread) in specific geographical regions to develop chemical, biological, and cultural control strategies against these diseases.
Registration: You need to pre-register to attend. Registrants will receive a link and reminder 1-2 days before the presentation.
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December 11 Northern Grapes Webinar: Trunk Diseases