Resolution 115: College of Business

Passed:  December 16, 2015
Sponsors: Eric Cheyfitz, Senator and the University Faculty Committee (UFC)
Senate Discussions:  December 16, 2015



“Resolved, that the University Trustees table consideration of the creation of the College of Business until the Faculty Senate can deliberate on the proposal.”

REFERRED To Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Robert Harrison on December 18, 2015

RESPONSE from President Elizabeth Garrett on January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Professor Joseph Burns
Dean of Faculty
315 Day Hall

Dear Dean Burns,

I am writing in response to the resolution regarding the proposed Cornell College of Business that was adopted by the Faculty Senate at its December 16, 2015 meeting. Although this resolution
was directed to the Board of Trustees rather than the university administration, I want to share my thinking with the Senate on the issues of faculty governance raised at this meeting.

As I noted in my earlier response to the Faculty Senate’s previous resolution regarding faculty governance, I fully respect the university faculty’s role under Article XIII of the Bylaws of
Cornell University. And while I disagree with the expansive interpretation that some have assigned to that provision, I anticipate that many key aspects of developing the College of
Business will depend on the guidance and direction of the faculty. The faculties of the three schools that will collectively constitute the College of Business will necessarily play leading roles
in such conversations, and input from the Faculty Senate and its committees on general questions of educational policy will also be critical.

Those complex and important questions all lay ahead, and we have already begun efforts to engage faculty at multiple levels in charting the course forward. At this juncture, however, the
only pending action is to request that the Board of Trustees exercise its authority to amend the University Bylaws to give formal recognition to a new administrative unit. Provost Kotlikoff and
I determined that it was important first to engage the Board of Trustees on this initial question of organizational structure, and, once that decision is reached, to engage deeply with all the involved
constituencies, especially faculty, as key educational decisions are reached collegially. As you may know, the Provost and I met with Associate Dean of the Faculty, Mike Fontaine, before the
public announcement was made; Provost Kotlikoff met with the University Faculty Committee a few hours after the announcement to discuss the necessity for, and scope of, the decision; and
Professor Chris Barrett attended the Faculty Senate meeting to answer any questions that the Senate might have. Provost Kotlikoff and I look forward to meeting with the Faculty Senate
during its February meeting to fully discuss the rationale and status of this important Cornell initiative.

Finally, I want to reiterate my commitment to work with the Faculty Senate in the New Year with the more general goal of developing a collective and positive understanding of faculty
governance, supporting our faculty in their research, teaching and creative work, and continuing to pursue academic excellence in all that Cornell does.

Best regards,
Elizabeth Garrett

RESPONSE from Chairman Robert Harrison on February 9, 2016:

Resolution 115 BOT response

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