Looking for Woodchips? Check out this great map

A map is now available to help find woodchips – woodchip sources map . If using a mobile device, full size map

Both carbon and nitrogen are important for optimizing the composting process. Composting wet, high nitrogen materials like manure and food scraps, requires
the addition of a carbon source in order to provide the microbes with an energy source. Carbon also serves as a bulking material, absorbing moisture and allowing air movement through the pile.
When securing bulking materials, remember that, “All carbon is not created equal.” Wood chips are not the same as shavings, shavings are not saw dust. All carbon sources can be used, but which to use depends on the situation and goals of the producer.

When using a static pile composting method (such as when composting carcasses), it is important to use a bulkier carbon source to keep the pile aerated. Securing woodchips and other carbon sources may require planning. To that end, a contact list for sources of carbon and bulking materials is available at https://hdl.handle.net/1813/58980.