Anna Kubelík

Anna Kubelik lecturing at Cornell in Rome

We had the immense pleasure to have Anna Kubelik come lecture to us about her work. Given the nature of Anna Kubelik’s work, it was perhaps refreshing to have a guest lecturer that is involved in work that isn’t so strictly architectural. Her work is much more artistic but always seems to be strongly connected to architecture, or the notion of space, how it is occupied, how it is constructed, manipulated and so on. Perhaps the best project that illustrates most clearly this idea of occupation and manipulation of space, was her Movigami, basically an origami inspired canopy that can be physically manipulated by pulling and pushing the supports of the ceiling. Given her wide range of projects, I think it was at least for myself very exciting to see how different scales can inform different interventions in space, going from her Magic Lantern, to a full architectural structure, the Movigami.

Anna Kubelik lecturing at Cornell in Rome

Even if I didn’t agree with some of her approaches to architecture or art, we still did end up talking together after her presentation, at the short reception that is organized after each lecture. It was more than a pleasure to hear some more personal and backstage stories about some of her projects, giving it somehow a more human and definitely more tangible dimension, nurturing the motivation to perhaps do one of my own smaller projects.

the audience at Anna Kubelik’s lecture


(all photos credit to Oonagh Davis)


by Matej Dlabal