Parla Italiano?

August  21

On our first day of intensive Italian lessons, the thought of being “conversational” in just two weeks seemed daunting. We sat in silence as our teacher questioned us on where we were from, what we liked to do, and what we were studying. We struggled, twisting and morphing our mouths, to try and pronounce words that we hoped made comprehensible sentences.

But through hard work, my classmates and I can now proudly order our cappuccinos and espressos, ask for directions to the Villa Borghese, and, if the occasion were to arise, ask for that cute girl or guy’s number, of course, in Italian. Yes, everyday conversation is still difficult and filled with long pauses, but simply being able to communicate on a basic level makes me feel less distant from Italians and Italian culture. The people here appreciate your struggle and interest in speaking their language and happily help you finish a sentence or name that thing. I know, that with continued practice, and a willingness to make and learn from our mistakes, we will be able to ask for that number, and be able to continue the conversation afterwards.

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