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Cornell University

Community ESL at Cornell

English conversation classes for international spouses, partners and family and visiting scholars

Community ESL at Cornell



Community ESL at Cornell is a program organized by local community volunteers with Cornell connections.



English conversation classes are offered for spouses, partners and adult family members of international students and for visiting scholars.

These free adult classes are taught by dedicated local community members who help newcomers gain confidence in English, introduce them to local customs and provide opportunities to make new friends.

On-line registration for Spring 2025 classes is available now. Classes will be held February 11 – May 8, 2025. Please register by sending an email to :

The Spring 2025 classes will meet for 1-2 hours per week either in-person on the Cornell campus or virtual via video-conferencing. Class times are:

  • Tues 10am-noon, Hasbrouck,  Intermediate
  • Thurs 10am-noon, Hasbrouck, Advanced
  • Thurs 7-8pm, Zoom, Advanced

There is no cost for the classes. Anyone with questions should contact:

We are looking for local community volunteers to teach, co-teach or assist with ESL classes. ESL teaching background is not required; if you are good at organizing communication activities and leading small groups in conversation, you could lead an ESL conversation class. Please contact us at the email above if you would like more information.

Other ESL Classes and Programs at Cornell and in Ithaca:

  • English for International Students and Scholars (EISS) Academic year and summer session: English classes for international students and scholars. There is a fee.
  • Open Doors English – Anyone is eligible. Beginner to Advanced English classes taught by experienced teachers, including all skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking, pronunciation, and grammar), and providing a strong sense of school community. For more information, see the Open Doors English website, or call 607-319-5051 or email esloffice.ode at to set up an appointment or register.
  • TST BOCES ESL– Free English classes offered to individuals living in the Ithaca area who want to learn English for work, training and higher education. Classes meet all year on Mondays and are located at 118 N. Tioga Street in downtown Ithaca. Visit their website to register or call (607) 273-4095 for more information.