Keeping Your Produce Safe

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of every diet.  However, harmful bacteria may contaminate fruits and vegetables, which can lead to food poisoning, even if the food is labeled organic. As you enjoy raw produce and fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, follow these safe handling tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to help protect yourself and your family.

Buying:  When possible, buy in-season produce. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy in-season fruits (berries, peaches and watermelon) and vegetables (corn, cucumbers and squash).  Buy only the amount of produce you will use within one week.  Avoid produce with mold, bruises or cuts.  When possible, buy loose produce rather than packaged for better control of your selection.

Storing: Note that some fresh, whole produce does not need to be refrigerated (such as bananas or potatoes). For other produce, refrigeration may lengthen the shelf life (such as with apples or cucumbers) or prevent rapid spoilage (berries and mushrooms).

If peeling or cutting produce, refrigerate within two hours.  Throw away leftover, cut produce that has been sitting at room temperature for more than two hours, or one hour if in weather above 90˚F.  Discard cooked vegetables after three to four days in the refrigerator.

Preparing: Make it a habit to wash all fruits and vegetables with cool tap water immediately before using and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel to eliminate bacteria. Using soap or produce wash is not recommended. Wash produce before peeling to prevent dirt and bacteria from passing from the knife onto the fruit or vegetable. Gently rub produce while holding under plain running water.  Scrub firm produce, such as melons or cucumbers, with a clean produce brush.  Cut away any damaged or bruised areas before preparing or eating. Remove and discard outer leaves of lettuce.  Use two separate cutting boards to avoid cross-contamination.  Use one for raw meats and the other for fruits and vegetables. Color-coded cutting boards can help you remember which is which.

Special note about raw sprouts from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:  Like any fresh produce that is consumed raw or lightly cooked, sprouts that are served on salads, wraps, sandwiches, and in some Asian food may contain bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. But unlike other fresh produce, sprouts are grown from seeds and beans under warm and humid conditions. These conditions are also ideal for the growth of bacteria, including Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. If just a few harmful bacteria are present in or on the seed, the bacteria can grow to high levels during sprouting, even if you are growing your own sprouts under sanitary conditions at home.

Children, older adults, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems should avoid eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts of any kind.

To avoid the risk of illness if you want to eat sprouts:

  • Wash sprouts thoroughly under running water before eating or cooking. Washing may reduce bacteria that may be present, but it will not eliminate it.
  • Cook sprouts thoroughly. Cooking kills harmful bacteria and reduces the risk of illness.

Article released June 13, 2020

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