Career Explorations 2014 Hack Jam


The Bestest!

In Information and Technology, we had the opportunity to create two new interactive stories. Using Twine, we were able to map out  our ideas and successfully make games with different paths for the player to explore. Twine provided a blank slate so that we were able to make imaginative games that went in whatever direction we, as the creators, wanted it to go. Our games are now published on Twine for others to enjoy.

Our interactive stories include:

  • Escape – Escape is our first game created.  Play is in an institution which they are trying to escape. Players are given a wide range of ways to meet their demise and there is only one road to survival. It also comes with an alternate ending. 
  • Smoorhs – Pronounced s’mores, this interactive store is told from the view point of a delusional player after having taken a hallucinogenic mushroom.  The character enjoys a world which is touched by a bright new out look. Our main character explains their joy and search for love.  

Want to try these amazing games?



Creating these games were very time consuming. We needed to map out stories and come up with a multitude of outcomes. There are different ways for a character to end their experience which allows players to have a more enjoyable experience. People can look back after they have finished and try a new way to find their way to the end.

These games were created by our amazing group,

Natalie T.,   Garrett B.,   Sydney P.,    Asia S.,    Mariah J.

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