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Blowback from the 2008 Olympics

Apparently reaction to the 2008 lip-syncing fiasco (in which the seven-year-old singer at the Olympic Opening Ceremony was deemed “not cute enough” and replaced with a girl who lip-synced to a recording) was stronger than I thought: Lip-syncing has now been banned in China, and two pop stars are facing fines. This is the Chinese […]

Google & China

Check out the statement issued by David Drummond of Google Inc. and the 10 minute interview on CNBC with David Drummond by Larry Kudrow regarding the issue. It’ll be interesting to see exactly how the issue will play out over as Google meets with the Chinese government to see if they really can set up […]


Happy 2010, everyone!  In China, it’s a traditional custom to eat oranges to celebrate the new year.  We ate oranges all the time in China (being health conscious after eating the sodium and calorie fortified dining hall fare, you know) — it’s easy to get a bunch for a couple kuai on campus.  There’s one […]



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