

Establish your Nominations chair and committee

  • Review your class constitution to see if there are term limits or succession guidelines for any of your class officers
  • Ask current officers if they are interested in continuing and in what role
  • Present a list of diverse nominating committee members to your class staff contact
  • Determine which officer positions are going to be filled or are open for recruitment

September – February


  • Advertise your nominations process on your class website. Include a link to the CUVolunteer site for class officer position descriptions and to endorse someone or self-nominate. Ask classmates to build their profile and to nominate themselves or others.
  • Advertise in your class column in Cornell Alumni Magazine
  • Post information on your class website and social media sites asking for interested classmates to get involved


Draft slate

  • Organize and discuss your class slate during your class meeting at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference


Finalize positions

  • Remind your class officers of nominations and update them on your progress
  • Contact nominees to confirm their desire to serve in the position


Final slates submitted

  • Submit your final slate to your class staff contact to be printed


Slates are posted in Reunion class headquarters and announced at a class event

  • Finalized slates are posted in your Reunion class headquarters or included in your class welcome packets. The slate is then announced at a class function during Reunion, usually at a dining event.
  • The class staff contact confirms the slate of officers and is responsible for documenting (coding) the names and roles in the Cornell alumni database. The class staff contact will work with the class volunteers to make sure all class letterhead and class websites are updated with the new officer contact information.