Class Officer 5-Year Cycle

CACO suggests that you focus on specific objectives to ensure that your five years in office are productive, successful, and fun!

Year Specific Responsibilities

Every Year

  • Promote officer and classmate communication
  • Participate in Cornell-sponsored training sessions (e.g., Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference, Reunion Kickoff, webinars, etc.)
  • Strive to increase participation, commonly measured through class membership (dues-payers)
  • Send timely membership solicitations and follow up with non-renewals
  • Monitor class treasury
  • Hold at least one class meeting
  • Actively recruit diverse leadership
  • Take advantage of resources (e.g., university staff, CACO board, past class officers, etc.)
  • Share best practices with other classes, your CACO contact, and your Class Programs staff contact
  • Publish a class column in every issue of the Cornell Alumni Magazine
  • Update your class webpage and develop new content
  • Thank all participants (annual fund, membership)
  • Find contact information of classmates with incorrect/outdated addresses and/or email and update their profiles. Submit these changes to Cornell
  • Piggyback on other Cornell events (e.g., regional clubs, athletics, CEN events, etc.)