

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings and Journal Articles

*Nagpal, S. V., *Liu, M. V., & Anderson, C. L. (2021). A comparison of deterministic refinement techniques for wind farm layout optimization. Renewable Energy, 168, 581-592.

*Liu, M., Reed, P., & Anderson, C. L. (2021) Stochastic Synthetic Data Generation for Electric Net Load and Its Application. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

*Liu, J., Zéphyr, L., & Anderson, C. L. (2020). Optimal Operation of Microgrids with Load-Differentiated Demand Response and Renewable Resources. Journal of Energy Engineering, 146(4 (Awarded Editors’ Choice)

Galantino, C. R., Beyers, S., Anderson, C. L., & Tester, J. W. (2020). Optimizing Cornell’s future geothermal district heating performance through systems engineering and simulation. Energy and Buildings, 110529.

Morillo, J. L., *Zéphyr, L., Pérez, J. F., Anderson, C. L., & Cadena, Á. (2020). Risk-averse stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for the operation of a hydro-dominated power system in the presence of wind uncertainty. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,

Gupta, A., *Liu, M., Gold, D., Reed, P. and Anderson, C.L., (2020) Exploring a Direct Policy Search Framework for Multiobjective Optimization of a Microgrid Energy Management System. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Orths, A., Anderson, C.L, Brown, T., Mulhern, J., Pudjianto, D., Ernst, B., O‘Malley, M., McCalley, J. & Strbac G. (2019) Flexibility From Energy Systems Integration: Supporting Synergies Among Sectors. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. Oct 2019.

Zurmuhl, D.P., *Lukawski, M.Z., Aguirre, G.A., Law, W.R., Schnaars, G.P., Beckers, K.F., Anderson, C.L. and Tester, J.W. (2019) Hybrid geothermal heat pumps for cooling telecommunications data centers. Energy and Buildings, 188, pp.120-128.

Gupta, A., & Anderson, L. (2018). Statistical Bus Ranking for Flexible Robust Unit Commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Zéphyr, L., & Anderson, C Lindsay (2018). Stochastic dynamic programming approach to managing power system uncertainty with distributed storage. Computational Management Science, 15, 87–110.

Cheng, L., & Anderson, C.L. Too Conservative to Hedge?  How Much Does a Corn Biorefinery lose? (2017) International Journal of Production Economics.

Tupper, L. L., Matteson, D. S., & Anderson, C. L. (2017). Band Depth Clustering for Nonstationary Time Series and Wind Speed Behavior. Technometrics.

Cheng, L., Martínez, M. G., & Anderson, C. L. (2016). Long term planning and hedging for a lignocellulosic biorefinery in a carbon constrained world. Energy Conversion and Management, 126, 463-472.

Liu, J., Martínez, M.G., & Anderson, C.L. Quantifying The Impact Of Microgrid Location And Behavior On Transmission Network Congestion (2016). Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (Accepted).

Zephyr, L., & Anderson, C. L. (2016) Integrating Storage to Power System Management. Submitted to Operations Research. Preprint available on ArXiv

Cheng, L., & Anderson, C. L. (2016). Financial sustainability for a lignocellulosic biorefinery under carbon constraints and price downside risk. Applied Energy, 177, 98–107.

Laura L. Tupper, David S. Matteson, C. Lindsay Anderson (2016) Band Depth Clustering for Nonstationary Time Series and Wind Speed Behavior. Submitted to Technometrics, Preprint available on arXiv

Cardell, J.B., and Anderson, C.L. (2016) Flexible Wind Dispatch, System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Accepted for publication at the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (10 pages) Download here: CardellAnderson2016a.pdf

Liu, J., Martínez, M.G., Li, B., Mathieu, J. & Anderson, C.L. (2016) A Comparison of Robust and Probabilistic Reliability for Systems with Renewables and Responsive Demand. Accepted for publication at the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (8 pages) Liu_etal_HICSS49.pdf

Martínez, M.G., Liu, J., Li, B., Mathieu, J. & Anderson, C.L. (2015) Enabling renewable resource integration: The balance between robustness and flexibility. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Computing and Control. (7 pages). Invited Paper, in press. Martinez_eta_Allerton2015.pdf

Martínez, M. G., & Anderson C. L. (2015). A Risk-averse Optimization Model for Unit Commitment Problems, Presented at the System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (9 pages)

Cardell, J. B., & Anderson, C. L. (2015). Targeting existing power plants: EPA emission reduction with wind and demand response. Energy Policy, 80, 11–23. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.01.021

Cardell, J. B., & Anderson, C. L. (2014). A Flexible Dispatch Margin for Wind Integration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1–8. In Press

Martinez, G. & Anderson, C. L. (2014) Toward a Scalable Chance-Constrained formulation for unit commitment to manage high penetration of variable generation. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Computing and Control. (8 pages). Invited Paper, in press.

Anderson, C. L., & Cardell, J. B. (2014). A Decision Framework for Optimal Pairing of Wind and Demand Response Resources. Systems Journal, IEEE, (99), 1–8. doi:10.1109/JSYST.2014.2326898

Anderson, C. L., Burke, N., & Davison, M. (2014). Optimal Management of Wind Energy with Storage: Structural Implications for Policy and Market Design. Journal of Energy Engineering, B4014002. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000177

Murage, M., Cardell, J. B., Lukuyu, J., & Anderson, C. L. (2014). The Impact of Variable Market Price on Optimal Control of Wind-Hydro Storage System in Kenya (pp. 2417–2425). Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.303

Murage, M. W., & Anderson, C. L. (2014). Contribution of pumped hydro storage to integration of wind power in Kenya: An optimal control approach. Renewable Energy, 63, 698–707. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2013.10.026

C. Murillo-Sanchez, R. Zimmerman, C.L. Anderson, & R.J. Thomas (2013). Secure Planning and Operations of Systems with Stochastic Sources, Energy Storage and Active Demand, 1–9. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 4(4) 2220:2229. doi: 10.1109/TSG.2013.2281001

C. L. Anderson and J. Cardell (2013) “Wind Power Uncertainty and Power System Performance,” Engineering Special Issue on Integration of Renewables. pp. 41-51. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.510A007.

Murillo-Sanchez, C. E., Zimmerman, R. D., Anderson, C. L., & Thomas, R. J. (2013). A stochastic, contingency-based security-constrained optimal power flow for the procurement of energy and distributed reserve. Decision Support Systems, 56, 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2013.04.006

C. L. Anderson and J. B. Cardell (2013) The Influence of Demand Resource Response Time in Balancing Wind and Load.Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Lamadrid, A. J., Mount, T., Zimmerman, R., Murillo-Sanchez, C. E., & Anderson, C. L. (2012). Alternate mechanisms for integrating renewable sources of energy into electricity markets. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. June 2012, San Diego CA

M. Roytman, U.V. Shanbag, J.B. Cardell, L. Anderson (2012). Packaging Energy and Reserves Bids through Risk Penalties for Enhanced Reliability in Co-optimized Markets. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

J.B. Cardell, L. Anderson (2012). The Impact of Wind Energy on Generator Dispatch Profiles and Carbon Dioxide Production. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

 J.B. Cardell, C. L. Anderson, (2010) Analysis of the System Costs of Wind Variability Through Monte Carlo Simulation. Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

J.B Cardell and C. L. Anderson, (2009) “Estimating the System Costs of Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty”, IEEE, Proceedings of the Transmission and Distribution Society General Meeting, 2009. pp. 1-4.

L. Anderson and M. Davison (2009). The Application of Cash-Flow-at-Risk to Risk Management in a Deregulated Electricity Market. Invited Paper. Special Issue of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 15(2): 253-269.

L. Anderson and J.B. Cardell (2009). Analysis of Wind Penetration and Network Reliability Through Monte Carlo Simulation. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2009.

X. Liu, D.M. O’Carroll, et al. (2009) “Mobility of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media”, Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (21), pp 8153–8158. doi:10.1021/es901340d

 L. Anderson & M. Davison. (2008) A Hybrid System-Econometric Model for Electricity Spot Prices: Considering Spike Sensitivity to Forced Outage Distributions.  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 23(3):927-937. dpi:10.1109/TPWRS.2008.922625

L. Anderson and J. B. Cardell (2008). Reducing Wind Power Variability in Day Ahead Electricity Markets. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM), Computer Society Press, (7 pages).

L. Anderson and M. Davison. (2005) An Aggregate Weibull Method for Modelling Short-term Generating Capacity.  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 20(4):1783-1789. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2005.856992

M. Davison, L. Anderson, et al. (2002) Development of A Hybrid Model for Electricity Spot Prices.  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 17(2):257-264. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2002.1007890

Recent Scientific Reports

T.D. Mount, C. L. Anderson, R. Zimmerman, J.B. Cardell. (2012) Coupling Wind Generation with Controllable Load and Storage:  A Time-Series Application of the SuperOPF: Final Project Report. PSERC Project M-22, PSERC Publication 12-28. November 2012.

Jewell, W. T., Twomey, J., Overcash, M., Cardell, J., & Anderson, C. L. (2012). Future Grid: The Environment (Report No. 12-04) (pp. 1–43). Power Systems Engineering Research Center.

 Recent Presentations

Martínez, M.G., and Anderson, C. L. (2015) A Chance Constrained Model for Unit Commitment under Uncertainty. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. January 6, 2015. Kauai, HI.

Cheng, C.L. Anderson (2014) Financial Risk Management of a Lignocellulosic Biorefinery: A Stochastic Programming Approach. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. November 11, 2014

M.G. Martínez, C. L. Anderson (2014) Approximate Formulations for Chance Constrained Problems. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. November 11, 2014

Murage, M.G. Martínez, C. L. Anderson (2014) Two-Stage Stochastic Model for Optimal Operation of Combined Wind-Pumped Storage System in Kenya. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. November 12, 2014

Anderson C. L. (2014). Optimization and Simulation with Applications to Power Systems. Cornell University Field of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Field, Invited Presentation. Cornell University, Ithaca NY. October 2014

Martinez, G. & Anderson, C. L. (2014) Toward a Scalable Chance-Constrained formulation for unit commitment to manage high penetration of variable generation. The 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Computing and Control. Champaign, Illinois. Invited Presentation.

Martinez, G., Tupper, L. & Anderson, C. L. (2014) Development of Advanced Stochastic Unit Commitment Formulation for Management of Uncertainty. CERTS-DOE Reliability and Markets Annual Review, Cornell University. August 2014

M.G. Martinez, M. Murage and C. L. Anderson, “A Two-Stage Stochastic Model for Optimal Wind Power Commitment.” IIE Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. May 31- June 3rd 2014

L. Cheng, C. L. Anderson (2014) A Two-stage Stochastic Optimization Framework of Lignocelluosic Biorefinery. Presented at joint ASABE-CSBE Conference. Montreal Canada. July 12-15, 2014.

C. L. Anderson (2013) Renewable Energy Integration: Impacts and Strategies. Invited Presentation, Arizona State University Power Systems Graduate Seminar. October 2013. Tempe, Arizona.

 M.W. Murage & C. L. Anderson (2013) Analysis of the Combined Use of Pumped Hydro Storage with a Kenyan Wind Farm. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN. October 2013.

 C. L. Anderson (2013) Investigation of Advanced Stochastic Unit Commitment Solution for Optimal Management of Uncertainty. CERTS-DOE Reliability and Markets Review. Cornell University. August 2013

 L. P. Walker & C. L. Anderson (2013) Ruminations on Renewable Energy. Cornell Now! Event, San Francisco CA. March 2013

 C. L. Anderson (2012) Revisiting the SABBIC Vision: How do we Begin to Optimize Sustainable Biobased Industries. Invited Presentation, The Science and Engineering Challenges to the Development of Sustainable Biobased Industries Seminar Series. October  2012.

 *K. Kang, U. V. Shanbhag, J.B. Cardell, C.L. Anderson (2012) Packaging Energy and Reserves Bids through Risk Penalties for Enhanced Reliability in Co-optimized Markets. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ. October 2012.

 *M. W. Murage, C. L. Anderson (2012) Optimal Integration Of Wind Power With Pumped Hydro Storage: Case Study Of Kenya. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ. October 2012.

 C. L. Anderson (2012) Wind Power Integration: Exploring Impacts and Alternatives. Invited Speaker: CEE 6020, Environmental Engineering Seminar. Cornell University, September 2012.

 R. Zimmerman, C.Murillo-Sánchez, C. L. Anderson, R.J. Thomas, A. Gupta, D. Muñoz-Álvarez (2012). Tools for Multi-period Stochastic Optimization with Evolving Information. CERTS-DOE Reliability and Markets Review. Cornell University, August 2012

 C.L. Anderson, H. Atiyeh, S. Capreda, D. Keshwani (2012) Systems Methodologies for a Sustainable Bio-Based Economy. The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy Annual Symposium. Washington DC, August 2012

 J.B. Cardell, *C. L. Anderson (2012) Managing Wind Variability through a Combination of Self-Reserves and Responsive Demand. Invited Presentation, Lawrence Berkeley National  Laboratory, September 2012

 L. Anderson & J.B. Cardell (2012) Improving Wind Integration Outcomes with Responsive Demand. Invited Presentation UC Berkeley-Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Demand Response Integration Group. Berkeley CA, April 2012

 *L. Anderson & J. B. Cardell (2011) Optimal Balancing of Wind Resources with Responsive Demand on a Network.  INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. November 2011

 M. B. Eisenberg, L. P. Walker, C. L. Anderson, (2011) Assessing The Impact Of Uncertainty On Ethanol Production Outcomes. Poster Presentation: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy Annual Symposium. August 2011. Stillwater, Oklahoma.

 *L. Anderson & R. Zimmerman. Wind Output Forecasts and Scenario Analysis for Stochastic Multiperiod Optimum Power Flow. Power Systems Engineering Research Center, Webinar. November 2011.Lindsay-Ray-PSERC-Webinar-2011

 *M. Davison, L. Anderson & N. Kirby. Energy Storage: A problem at the intersection of Finance and Optimization. 3C Conference, The Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Toronto Canada. October 2011.

 *L. Anderson. The Systems Approach: A Wind Energy Example. The Northeast Bioenergy and BioProducts Education Program. June 2011.

 *J. Cardell & C. L. Anderson. Power System Performance with 30% Wind Penetration. Seventh Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry: Emerging Phenomena in Changing Electric Energy Systems.  March 2011.